online-advertisingRetargeting and SEM are two popular buzz phrases in online marketing. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the process of promoting a website in search results pages and other website pages. Retargeting involves placing ads in a user’s web browser based on keywords and related terms they’ve searched for in the past, or pages they’ve visited previously. Ever wonder why the ads on the side of your screen start to correspond with the topics or products you’ve been searching on the web? It’s all a part of SEM and retargeting.

Many business owners wonder whether SEM or display ads will provide their business with the best return on investment. But the fact is that it’s not quite that simple; thanks to retargeting, the two can go hand in hand. Research has shown that display ads can influence a user’s search habits, and that basing display ad choices on the keywords that are being searched for has exponential benefits over display ad campaigns alone.

Retargeting is essentially the act of encouraging an existing customer to further consider your company or to spend more money with your company. If the user consistently sees ads for sites they have visited multiple times in the past, it will prompt them to visit those sites even more frequently. It’s almost like saying, “Hey, you’ve shopped with us before…why not come back and see our newest inventory?” It also falls along the lines of, “We noticed you were searching for product X…here’s a website where you can buy one of those.”

Search engine marketing can help get your business noticed during internet searches, and retargeting will help it continue to get noticed. Getting the consumer’s attention through both outlets can be incredibly lucrative and beneficial.
